quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

                 Carmen Miranda . 

  Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha, known as Carmen Miranda was a famous singer and actress Luso-Brazilian. Astística spent her career in Brazil and the United States between 1930 and 1950. Carmen Miranda also worked on a radio, musical theater, film and television. She was very well paid, she arrived in the United States to receive the highest salary to a woman so far. It is considered the percusora tropicalismo, a Brazilian cultural movement emerged in the late 1960s. Carmen Miranda Carmen earned his nickname in Brazil thanks to the love that his father had with opera.
     In 1926 Carmen was trying to be an artist and composer for his talent Josué de Barros began to promote it in theaters and publishers. In 1926 she also recorded in the first German publisher Brunswick discs do not go with samba and choro Sim'bora If samba is fashion and recorded by Victor Records Dona Balbina and Triste Jandaia.
     After his great fame in Brazil, Carmen Miranda on May 29, 1932 debuted in a show called "Streets of Paris" in Boston, a great success with audiences and critics. The theatrical performances of Carmen have become increasingly popular, but so famous that in 1940 she made a presentation to President Franklin D. Roosevelt during a banquet at the White House.
    Between 1942 and 1953 she appeared in 13 Hollywood movies and the most important radio programs, television, nightclubs, casinos and theaters. In 1947 she married the American David Sebastian. Prior to his marriage to Carmen dated with several Hollywood stars and also the Brazilian musician Aloysio de Oliveira. Carmen's marriage was not very successful because of disputes caused by her husband being an alcoholic. But in 1948 ended up getting pregnant Carmen, only after a performance she suffered a miscarriage after that she could not get pregnant, which led to le abusing alcohol and sedative remedies.
     In 1955 Carmen was smoking and drinking much more than before which led to serious health problems. Passed out in a presentation on the television show of comedian Jimmy Durante, she could only recover in the end the number. After smoking and drinking at home, Carmen Miranda came to have a heart attack that dropped dead on the floor on August 5, his body was found by his mother the next day at 10:30 am. Carmen Miranda was 46 years old.

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